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Our Capabilities
  Project management and engineering services to run or assist the customer’s team in running projects.  We expect to act on the customer’s behalf to implement and bring projects to successful completion through hot commissioning.  A particular strength is the planning and management of all disciplines including automation to optimize the startup period.

Conceptual work including feasibility studies to develop projects with the customer to provide high returns and short payback periods.  Being independent from the major suppliers, we can provide technical procurement and evaluations in an impartial manner. 

Technical expertise and analytical skills for process analysis and equipment design including mechanical and electrical systems.  Existing process modifications and revamps are a major focus including the modification of process equipment and integrating new equipment into existing systems.

Installation engineering services are provided including the preparation of civil, mechanical, piping and electrical drawings and specifications.

Process specialists such are available through a network of cooperating independent consultants.

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