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Customer: Nucor Steel Corporation

Steel Plant – New Main Substation, Feeders and Electric Arc Furnace Transformer Vault - 2003


Design of New Outdoor Substation receiving 345 kv incoming feeds from the utility and distributing power at 34.5 kv to the plant.


Main components included incoming 345 kv breaker, 345 kv aluminum bus, Two (2) 140 mva main transformers, and 34.5 kv secondary bus and breakers.  34.5 Filter equipment was incorporated.


Design of Site Preparation, Foundations and Grounding Grid for the substation.


Design of 345 kv and 34.5 kv Aluminum Bus System including Layout, Bill of Material, and Structural Steel Bus Supports.


Relay Protection Panel and Breaker Switch Panel design including Layout and Wiring Diagrams.


Assembly and Fabrication Details of Switch Support Structures.


Design of Static Shield Towers and Shield Wire.


Single Lines, Three Lines, and Control Schematics for the complete system.


Electrical Installation Design consisting of embedded and exposed conduit, Conduit & Cable Schedules and Interconnection Diagrams.


Electrical Arc Furnace Transformer Vault Layout, Bus, Control, and Structural Steel Design.

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