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Customer: North American Hogoenas

Steel Plant – New Outdoor Substation & EAF Transformer Vault - 2002

Design of New Outdoor Substation receiving 13.8 kv incoming feeds from the Utility Substation, 1000 foot feeder consisted ACSR cable on two and four pole structures with line support hardware, guy wires and anchors and foundation supports.

Design of Site Preparation, Foundations and Grounding Grid for the substation.

Design of 13.8 kv Aluminum Bus System including Layout, Bill of Material, and Structural Steel Bus Supports.

Relay Protection Panel and Breaker Switch Panel design including Layout and Wiring Diagrams.

Assembly and Fabrication Details of Switch Support Structures

Design of Static Shield Towers and Shield Wire.

Single Lines, Three Lines, and Control Schematics for the complete system.

Electrical Installation Design consisting of embedded and exposed conduit, Conduit & Cable Schedules and Interconnection Diagrams.

Electrical Arc Furnace Transformer Vault Layout, Bus, Control, and Structural Steel Design.

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