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Customer: Centria - Cambridge, Ohio


Mark Sherwin – President - telephone no. 412-299-8103

Tye Long – Mgr. of Engr. & Maintenance - telephone no. 740-435-2226

Upgrade of Continuous Paint Line - 1995

Performance of a feasibility study to develop a program providing a major increase in production in the most economical manner.  The eventual Two Phase Program provided 150 % production capacity through modifications to existing mechanical & electrical equipment and the replacement of key process equipment.

For Phase 1, Modifications to existing Mechanical & Electrical Equipment were designed and installed.  New Controls were provided and interfaced with the existing old style control system (MG sets).  New A.C Variable Speed Drives were provided for existing drive motors.  Electrical Motors and controls were designed for the Hazardous Environment in a portion of the Line.

Phase 2 included specification and procurement of additional Process Equipment to further enhance productivity and quality.  A modified line layout was developed with modifications to incorporate the new process equipment.

Structural Steel was designed and supplied to support the new equipment.

Overall Project Management and Coordination including meetings for review of progress, design, and project schedule.  Expediting and inspection of equipment prior to shipment. Preparation of Installation drawings and specifications and coordination of bidding by installation contractor.  Review of bids and recommendations for order placement.

Preparation of overall installation, checkout and startup plan for the new facility. On site Supervision of all installation.  Checkout and commissioning of the new equipment including process equipment, fluids, electrical power and controls.

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