Keith Busse - President
Richard Teets - Vice President & Gen. Manager - New Structural Mill
( formerly VP Rolling) - telephone no. 219-625-8824
Mark Millet - Vice President & Gen. Manager - CSP Plant
( formerly VP Steelmaking) - telephone no. 219-828-8000
New $ 300 Million Steel Production Plant
Project Conception Stage
Review of alternative plant configurations and development of final layout together with SDI management.
Development of plant substation and power distribution concept and capacities. Review of requirements with the utility including Electric Arc Furnace flicker criteria and static var capacities.
Project Implementation
Preparation of transformer and switchgear requirements, capacities and bid specifications including incoming 345 kv primary transformers.
Technical review of electrical bids for the main substation, power distribution and the Rolling Mill electrical package.
Basic and detail design of plant distribution including foundations, underground duct banks, and interconnecting power and control circuits.
Phase II - Plant Expansion for $ 150 Million Cold Finishing Facility
Review of alternative plant configurations and development of final layout together with SDI management.
Expansion of existing substation and power distribution system to feed the new Cold Finishing Facility.
Basic and detail design of power distribution including foundations, underground duct banks, and interconnecting power and control circuits.
New Direct Iron Production Facility
Review of alternative plant configurations and development of layout together with SDI management.
Preparation of equipment specifications for material handling systems, crushers, and emissions controls for the facility.
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