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Customer: Voest Apline Industries

Steel Plant - New Electric Arc Furnace Facility including Fume Exhaust System - 2005-2006

Initial Facility Layouts in the New Building and location of Auxiliary Equipment and Electrical Substation

Electrical Building Service design including lighting, general power feeders, overhead crane feeders

Building Services Design including Fluids and Gasses

Incoming power feeds and distribution of the New Facility

Layout and Design of Underground Pipe and Electrical Trenches. Design of Embedded Conduits

Design of Exposed Conduit and Electrical Tray Systems

Preparation of Conduit and Cable Schedules including sizing and specification of all cables and coordination of interconnections from the Machine Builder Connection Points to the Electrical & Automation Equipment

Grounding System Design

Electrical Arc Furnace Transformer Vault Layouts, Bus, Control and Structural Steel Design

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